greg hochmuth (grex) is an artist and engineer in new york city.


Press 1 to confess, or 2 to hear someone’s confession.
Confessors can speak for as long as the listener remains on the line. Listeners can only listen, as they will be muted.
A collaboration with Gideon Jacobs

VHS: 24-Hour Rabbit Hole

  • Start with YouTube’s first video
  • Pick a new video based on YouTube’s recommendations every few seconds
  • Record the next 24 hours onto VHS


An intervention on the New York City subway in June 2019.
In honor of Stonewall 50.

Network Effect

Human Life on the Internet

Network Effect explores the psychological effect of Internet use on humanity.
A collaboration with Jonathan Harris

36 Questions × New York

An interview for New Yorkers, inspired by 36 Questions

Don’t Play With Your News

6 years of radio news cut into a million pieces. Part of Breaking the News, a series that explores our relationship with news & broadcast.

Truth & Quantity

6 years of numbers & the things we count. Part of Breaking the News, a series that explores our relationship with news & broadcast.
A selection of the sound compilations is also available for download.

Silent Sky

Silence, pause & human breath in 6 years of radio news. Part of Breaking the News, a series that explores our relationship with news & broadcast.


Disco matches you with a different Spotify user every week.
You get a playlist with their current obsessions (most played songs), and they get a playlist with yours.


README is a text-only image app. I’ve been fascinated by how computers see & read our images. This app is a social exploration of that.


Zoodle is an app for making stories about cute animals and their adventures.
I wanted to create an image-making app that anyone (especially kids) could use without typing words or knowing how to read.

Holiday Terms & Conditions

A Christmas album based on the terms & conditions of Waymo, Tinder and other companies.

The Questions Game

A weekly newsletter that sends out 3 new questions every Friday.
The questions are meant for couples, dates or close friends to get to know each other better in a simple, meaningful way.

Lost & Found

Enter a YouTube search.
Watch the result for the search just before yours.


Friends is an iPhone app for sharing with close friends.


Jukebox is an iPhone app for discovering music.
Subscribe to short announcements about new projects:


@grex on instagram, twitter, tumblr